
Showing posts from September, 2020

Digital Marketing Courses online for free?

 Hello People below is the list for various digital marketing certifications with links.. 1. Search Ads 360 :   2. DV360(DSP) : 3. Campaign Manager(DCM) : 4. Facebook Blue print : 5. Media Math ( DSP ): 6. Adelphic(DSP) :

What is an Ad Server?

 An ad server is an advertising technology that is used by publishers,advertisers,ad agencies and ad networks to manage and run online adverting campaigns .Ad servers are responsible for making instantan eous decis ions about what Ads to show on website ,then serving them through an ad server you can get accurate insights and monitor the performance for your add. How does ad serving work? Ad-serving technology is a bit complex and involves many steps. Everything starts when a user visits a website or app. From there, an IP connection between the user’s computer and the publisher’s web server is established. The website begins to load. Meanwhile, ad tags on the site load, too, and call the sell-side ad server. When the publisher’s ad server receives the ad request, it immediately analyzes data about the user, such as geolocation, language, time of day, online behavior and demographic attributes (age, gender, marital status, employment, etc.). Then, the ad server sends requests to ad...

Google Ads Vs Programmatic ads platforms

                                                                                                                                            Feature Google Ads Programmatic platforms Fees No set up & media fee Set up & media fees on spends Inventory Limited Large inventory (wider reach) Programmatic Buying Not available Available Frequency Cap By day/By Week By hour & minute Bid Type CPC, CPM & CPV CPM preferred Cr...

Digital Channels

Display 1.Ads on the internet that appear next to content, apps, email etc. Video 1.Ads that appear either before, during or after online video content 2.Video is one of the fastest-growing opportunities online 3.The emotional draw of television is contributing to video's growth Mobile 1.Ads seen on mobile devices Search 1.Search advertising is the method of placing online ads on search engine result web pages associated with the user's search engine queries. Social 1.Social media advertising uses social networking websites as a marketing tool 2.The goal of social digital advertising is to produce content that users will share with their social network Native 1.A form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears 2.Native advertising fits into the context of the webpages on which it appears Audio 1.Consumers interact with podcasts and streaming music services. AM/FM streams while working, driving, doing chores, exercising; times wh...

Types of Data in Programmatic advertising?

                                              Understanding of data is very important to strategically serve ads to the relevant customers. Three types of data are there which are mentioned below First party Data :This is the most powerful data because this data is directly gathered from the customers . For an instance assume you own a website which deals with interior designing so whichever customer interact through your website you have their activity tracked.Like from which location the customer was,age,Gender etc so its your own data. You must have got a question in your mind how the customer is tracked through that website so during the visit you must have seen a pop up of cookies so all your browsing activity is being tracked through for your session on that website. That is why when you interacted with an ad previously and after some days you visit again then you are...

What is a DSP and how does it work?

 DSP stands for Demand Side Platform. There was a time when you as an advertiser wants to advertise your product you have to visit sales people or they were sold by people directly. As problems leads to creative solutions so DSPs came into picture now through Demand Side platforms you can buy ads space of various channels like display,video,audio etc. Let me just give you a small description: You want to set up a campaign for a shoe brand xyz. You have your set of targeting which you have planned for your  campaign like the age,gender,interest of the consumer,location etc.through DSPs you can buy those ad space across a range of websites based on your targeting parameters . Publishers or the website seller or the part who owns that ad space make there ad space available through ad-exchanges and DSPs automatically through its intelligence decide which ads is best fit for the Campaign. this process happens just in milliseconds. DSP are not dependent on indiv...