What is a DSP and how does it work?

 DSP stands for Demand Side Platform.

There was a time when you as an advertiser wants to advertise your product you have to visit sales people or they were sold by people directly.

As problems leads to creative solutions so DSPs came into picture now through Demand Side platforms you can buy ads space of various channels like display,video,audio etc.

Let me just give you a small description:

You want to set up a campaign for a shoe brand xyz. You have your set of targeting which you have planned for your campaign like the age,gender,interest of the consumer,location etc.through DSPs you can buy those ad space across a range of websites based on your targeting parameters .

Publishers or the website seller or the part who owns that ad space make there ad space available through ad-exchanges and DSPs automatically through its intelligence decide which ads is best fit for the Campaign.

this process happens just in milliseconds.

DSP are not dependent on individual networks.Like if you want to buy impressions through Google network then you must handle your ads through google ad network.

Demand side platforms are not dependent on these dependencies .they have an open forum or window to purchase ,analyse,manage ads across  many networks from a single point.

in short we dont have any links to the website owner or publisher but we can communicate with the supply side through the ad exchanges.

Major DSP in Market:


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