Digital Channels


Display ads | Amazon Advertising

1.Ads on the internet that appear next to content, apps, email etc.


The Secret Side of Google AdWords: Video Ads

1.Ads that appear either before, during or after online video content

2.Video is one of the fastest-growing opportunities online

3.The emotional draw of television is contributing to video's growth


Benefits of Google Ads Mobile - WebGener

1.Ads seen on mobile devices


1.Search advertising is the method of placing online ads on search engine result web pages associated with the user's search engine queries.


How to Create Engaging Social Media Ads - Later Blog

1.Social media advertising uses social networking websites as a marketing tool

2.The goal of social digital advertising is to produce content that users will share with their social network


What Is Native Advertising and How to Use It | LinkedIn Marketing Blog

1.A form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears

2.Native advertising fits into the context of the webpages on which it appears


1.Consumers interact with podcasts and streaming music services. AM/FM streams while working, driving, doing chores, exercising; times when they are rarely reached by other media sources.

2.Digital audio impressions are the only impressions that can impact a consumer while the device is in use but not in view

Connected TV

1.Connected TV (CTV) is an umbrella term that refers to television content that evolves beyond traditional, linear TV delivery models

2.CTV targeting enables advertisers to serve a specific ad to a specific household watching any program as opposed to broadcasting the same ad to all households watching a certain program

Digital Out of Home

1.Increasingly outdoor billboards are becoming digital

2.Impressions can be bought and ads served in an automated way on a variety of outdoor screens on roadsides, airports, elevators and more


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